Zova Capital is a knowledge and research-obsessed independent long-term investment agency.

We invest our own permanent capital in business startups, across an array of industries and geographies that meet our investment principles. 

We also provide entrepreneurs, employees, and exceptional professionals in various fields with investment plans that add value to their investment portfolio.

We focus on wealth creation and management by combining the art of financial planning with the science of investing to help our clients achieve their financial goals

Start-ups Investments

We collaborate with promising startups by injecting our own seed capital into the startup ideas. 

We do research, background checks and valuations for investment opportunities. 

Investment Opportunities

We advise mainstream employees on areas that they can  focus on wealth creation. 

We combine the art of financial planning with the science of investing to help our clients achieve their financial goals

The Power of Many

''Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!''
Albert Eistein

Email : info@zova.africa

Phone : +254 0739 948140